
Welcome to PREP Academy!

We believe that being prepared is the key to thriving in any situation. Whether you’re facing a natural disaster, a personal emergency, a business crisis or a global catastrophe, having the right skills and knowledge can make all the difference in how you deal with it and what happens on the other side.

At PREP Academy, our mission is to help you build those skills and develop that knowledge, so you can face whatever challenges come your way with confidence and resilience. Our courses and resources cover a wide range of topics related to personal readiness and emergency planning, including:

  • Disaster preparedness: Learn how to prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires, so you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
  • Business continuity: Understand how to keep your business going during times of crisis so that you can recover and not lose it all.
  • Global crises: Understand the broader economic, political, and social forces that can affect your life, and learn how to prepare for potential global emergencies like major recessions, depressions, or wars.

All of our information is designed to be practical, engaging, and easy to follow. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have years of preparedness experience under your belt, there’s something for everyone at PREP Academy.

So why wait? Start building your skills for the future today, and take the first step towards a more resilient and prepared life. Join PREP Academy now!